about me ; tommy / loki, he / they, asian, 15,
transmasc non-binary, gay, aromantic, enfp, 9w8, artist.

byf ; i am multifandom but i fixate on specific fandoms! i make
die/kys jokes, if you're uncomfy with anything i do, please
feel free to tell me! i'll ask for tone indicators when
i need them. sb to unfollow, selective fb.
dni ; basic dni, edtwt, shtwt, pro-shippers
nsfw acc, nftbros, mspec lesbians.
please tag ; floods, omegle, suicide, derealization,
irl shipping, intense gore, nsfw.

interests ; music, moral orel, good omens, space, cats.
comfort charas ; mobius m. mobius, jake peralta, aziraphale
chandler bing, crowley.
hightlighted: fixations

friends ; sylvia, lio, lau, elio, 70815, spaggc, sfi, redacted gc, slay YIPPEE.